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We've intentionally left some room in our schedule because wrapping up 100% of the program by May just seems too early!

Is there something you feel this years program is missing? If you’re thinking of proposing a talk for Y Oslo, precision is key!
Tell us exactly what you want to talk about and how it will benefit our attendees. Pitches like "I can talk about almost anything" won’t cut it. We're looking for detailed ideas that add significant value to our attendees.

Speaking at a big conference is cool, but what’s even cooler is having attendees approach you afterward to say your talk was not just inspiring, but can also transform how they work! Also, keep in mind that many of our attendees are attending other conferences. We try to provide content that they haven’t been seen elsewhere. If you're considering pitching a previous talk, tell us how you plan to offer a fresh perspective for Y Oslo.

Want to pitch? Write to us at:

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