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  • 📢 Thursday, 11:15 - 11:25
  • 🎤Oslo Konserthus

Do you have any questions to Jesse? Now is the time to ask them!

About Jesse James Garrett👑

Jesse James Garrett founded the UX agency Adaptive Path in 2001. He and Adaptive Path have been the absolute hottest in UX for many years. Garrett created the model 'The Elements of User Experience,' which also later became a book .

His insights and teachings have shaped the practices of many UX professionals and continue to be a key reference in the field. Including us at Netlife.

Now, Jesse James (cool name, right? ) advises others on how to set themselves up to deliver a better user experience. Safe to say, we are pretty starstruck , and very much look forward to listening and talking to Jesse James Garrett!

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