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  • 📢 Wednesday, 09:45 - 10:05
  • 🎤Oslo Konserthus

Bulder deliver user-centered growth in digital retail banking. But how do they create new product and services through user experiences in the financial sector? They use Shape Up! Together with an excellent brand strategy, they develop products publicly alongside their users, maintaining honesty and directness. Shape up creates meaningful pre-evaluated chucks of work for the development teams to build. Learn how Bulder uses this backlog-free framework to confront risks promptly to avoid compromising value delivery to your users.

About Nicolai Møller👑

Nicolai has held various roles in the digital banking sector in Norway and currently serves as the Head of Banking and Savings at Bulder. Bulder is recognized as the fastest growing mobile-only bank in Norway. It's revolutionizing the banking sector by offering an app-only experience, focusing on mortgage and savings products. This innovative approach caters to the increasing demand for digital banking solutions that offer convenience, speed, and user-friendly interfaces. Bulder's growth showcases how digital transformation is reshaping the Norwegian banking landscape, meeting customers' evolving needs and setting new standards for mobile banking.

Nicolais background from Denmark and the University of Aarhus, where he holds a Master's degree in Information Science. He has experience working with multiple agile frameworks such as Scrum, SAFe, and Kanban. Nicolai is also one of the founders of Volum, a free tech, design, and branding conference in Bergen, with over a 1000 attendees.

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