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Chateau Neuf
27. — 28. October 2025

  • 📢 Wednesday, 14:15 - 14:45
  • 🎤Oslo Konserthus

At Y Oslo, we hope that the attendees talk to at least ONE stranger for more than 5 minutes each day.

Have you heard about the term 'dry talk'? It's often about chit-chat or simple exchanges that don't involve deep or personal content. Dry talk or small talk can be used to break the ice or fill silence in social situations, but it rarely carries much substance or depth. A lot of people like to talk about the weather. Here are some ideas on how to break away from the small talk:

  1. Ask about their thoughts on a recent event. In this case, "What do you think about the use of AI in UX?"
  2. Food and user experience! This is always a hit, ask "How long did you have to stand in line for lunch?"
  3. Books or podcasts! These topics can lead to a good discussion, and you might get some tips. Try, "Have you read Teresa Torres' newest book?"
  4. Technology and Innovation! If you think the other person might be interested in tech, design, or product development, which they should be, just ask: "What do you think about Helseplattformen?"

And if none of this helps, just go to!

About Stranger👑

A stranger is a person whom one does not know or with whom one is not familiar.

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