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Chateau Neuf
27. — 28. October 2025

  • 📢 Thursday, 14:45 - 15:20

This speaker attended in 2023

Rémi Guyot was Chief Product Officer at BlaBlaCar, the biggest long-distance carpooling network and one of the first French unicorns. Before that, he was a designer at PayPal, exploring how money flows in markets like Russia, Turkey or Dubai. He wrote the book "Discovery Discipline, the radical method to master product discovery", which reveals a bit too much about his obsession for simplicity. Today, he spends his time coaching people and teams who want to become better at building digital products.

Why product discovery is a waste of time

@ Thursday 14:45 - 15:20

Many teams have figured out how to deliver efficiently new products in an agile manner. Their current challenge is the step that comes before: the discovery phase. The way product discovery is done today is usually a waste of time. Tons of efforts leading to very little result leading to reduced trust from stakeholders.

This talk will explain how BlaBlaCar got out that vicious cycle by adopting a rigorous approach to discovery, enabling constant improvement for its 100-million-user carpool network across the world.

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