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  • 📢 Friday, 11:20 - 11:35

This speaker attended in 2023

Marius Røstad is Chief Product Officer at Aidn, a Norwegian health tech scale-up that is trying to solve some of the core problems of the health care service. Before that he was Head of Product and Design at Ruter and responsible for launching Oslo’s most used mobility product. He’s also behind the Norwegian survey on product and product management. After building user centric product and design organizations over the last decade he's now thinking that we need to think less about the user needs.

Nå må vi slutte å prioritere brukerne

@ Friday 11:20 - 11:35

Vi har blitt fortalt igjen og igjen at vi skal prioritere brukerne. Men mister vi syne av det som egentlig er viktig når vi tenker på brukeren? I dette foredraget vil Marius dele sin frustrasjon om hvordan fokuset på brukernes behov går på bekostning av kommersielle og samfunnsmessige behov og verdier.

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