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Chateau Neuf
27. — 28. October 2025

  • 📢 Thursday, 10:35 - 11:20

Sustainability provocateur and cultural protagonist Dr. Leyla Acaroglu challenges people to think differently about how the world works.

This speaker attended in 2020

As an award-winning designer, sociologist, and entrepreneur, she developed the Disruptive Design Method and designs cerebrally activating experiences, gamified toolkits, and unique educational experiences that help people make the status quo obsolete.

Leyla leads presentations around the world on activating positive social change through creative interventions and systems thinking.

Circular ReDesign (EN)

@ Thursday 10:35 - 11:20

Designers are in a unique position to provide the creative provocations needed to redesign products and services so that they eliminate the unsustainable aspects of waste, pollution and unsustainability. This road to change may be paved with obstacles, residues from the linear world, so adopting new skill sets that enable creative change is paramount for any designer wanting to positively disrupt the status quo. In this provocative keynote, Leyla Acaroglu will dive into the tools for creative systems redesign and challenge all creatives to reconfigure not only what they create professionally, but how they interact with the world personally for the circular economy.

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