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Chateau Neuf
27. — 28. October 2025

  • 📢 Friday, 13:50 - 14:35

This speaker attended in 2020

Jake Knapp invented Google Design Sprint, has worked with Gmail, Google Hangouts and other products in Google. Now he is the coach for the teams that have created the coolest solutions we know; Slack, LEGO, IDEO and NASA.

Despite all this and the fact that he is an American over two meters tall, he is very short on himself!

The Lazy Innovator (EN)

@ Friday 13:50 - 14:35

You've heard about tech companies running millions of tests to optimize their products. You've read about startup founders working 120-hour weeks to build world-changing companies.

Now here's the truth: Never-ending optimization is why most tech products make us miserable, and the nonstop hustle is a waste of your precious human life. In this talk, Jake Knapp will show you why chilling out is the key to building better products and living a better life, and he'll give you the tools you need to get lazy the smart way.

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