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  • 📢 Thursday, 09:55 - 10:15

This speaker attended in 2024

Ingvild Sundby leads the design profession at Oslo Origo with a clear goal: to create public services that make the city a more citizen-friendly place to live, work, and thrive. She emphasizes that effective and cross-functional discovery is central to developing quality services and that understanding both users and the project's framework is crucial for delivering real value.

Felles innsikt, felles retning

@ Thursday 09:55 - 10:15

So, how important is insight really for speed and direction in product development? Oslo Origo has tackled this question and developed five principles that highlight why a shared understanding of both users and project frameworks is essential for success. Ingvild is coming to share these principles and how to use them to unite the team across disciplines.

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